Update on known issues

So I've spent the whole day trying to fix the two known issues mentioned on the game page. The short version is, I don't think it's possible for me to fix them. I'll mainly be talking about issue 1 in this devlog.

My initial theory as to why the screen would go blank after clicking "Restore mass attack" turned out to be incorrect. After trying many things, I eventually discovered that only the most basic, nonfunctional Wick project is capable of avoiding this bug. If the game contains more than one layer, more than one screen (actually a frame; Wick is also an animation tool) or ANY code, the exact same thing will happen.  In other words, only a static image can run without this issue.

The only workaround I could find was embedding the game in the game page with a fullscreen button. However, there were two problems with this: 

  1. The fix only works on desktop - the game opens in fullscreen on mobile no matter what I do
  2.  The dimensions of the photos are completely different depending on if you play the game in fullscreen or not.

So I've decided not to go with that solution.

I'm not sure whether the bug is because of Wick Editor or something to do with itch itself, but it seems like it's beyond my control.  I couldn't find anything online about how to prevent it or even that it exists. And since Wick Editor is no longer being maintained, it's unlikely there will ever be a fix for this. 

My apologies. I know this is especially problematic on mobile, which I recently made the game available for. All I can do is point you to my original recommendation to reload the game page and play again.

As for the second issue, I highly suspect it's either also not fixable or the solution is far beyond my expertise. I may or may not look into it again. For now though, I need a break.

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